
There are 3 NHS charge bands:

Band 1: {{nhs_band_1}}


Band 2: {{nhs_band_2}}


Band 3: {{nhs_band_3}}


Find out what’s included in each NHS dental band charge

What if I need more treatment?

If within 2 calendar months of completing a course of treatment, you need more treatment from the same or lower charge band, such as another filling, you do not have to pay anything extra. If the additional treatment needed is in a higher band, you’ll have to pay for the new NHS course of treatment.

But once 2 months have passed after completing a course of treatment, you’ll have to pay the NHS charge band for any NHS dental treatment received. Certain treatments (including lost items) are guaranteed for 12 months from the date they were completed.

These are:

  • Fillings
  • Root Fillings
  • Inlays
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Crowns

Treatments provided under this guarantee must be similar or related to the original treatment, but they do not have to be like for like.

Emergency or urgent treatment

If you require urgent care, you’ll pay a Band 1 charge. Most urgent treatments can be done in one appointment.

Once your urgent course of treatment is complete, you may be advised to make another appointment for a separate course of non-urgent treatment. In this case, the relevant NHS banding charge will apply.

When you do not have to pay

There’s no dental charge:

  • For denture repairs
  • To have stitches removed
  • If your dentist has to stop blood loss
  • If your dentist only has to write out a prescription – but if you pay for prescriptions, you’ll have to pay the usual prescription charge of £9.00 when you collect your medicine(s)

Referral to another dentist

If you’re referred to another dentist to complete your treatment, the amount you pay is dependent on the type of referral and whether the NHS treatment is carried out as 1 course of treatment. Your dentist will inform you how much you have to pay.

If you’re referred to a private dentist (and you accept this option), you’ll:

  • Pay the appropriate NHS banding charge to the dentist who referred you
  • Also, pay a fee for the dental work carried out by the private dentist you’re referred to

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